Pasadena Hills Homeowners Association
First house was sold in Pasadena Hills in 1989.
Our association was formed in 2006 and annual assessments began.
2006 : Formed homeowners association, elected officers, held board meetings and began collecting annual assessments.
2007: Street lights installed. Monthly utility bills started April 1.
2008: Held our first association picnic and general membership meeting.
2009: Leon County sent letters to each of the Pasadena Hills property owners explaining the recently completed improvements to the road and drainage system in our neighborhood. Each participating property owner was assessed 2156.00 per lot. There were 2 payment options: pay in full or pay over 8 years. The 8 year total is 2556.64 with annual payments of 319.58. The first payment was added to the 2009 tax bill. The last payment was on the 2016 tax bill. Leon County has assumed maintenance of our roads.
2015: Held our second association picnic.
2017: Held our third picnic 12/2. Board member elections were held. Annual picnics will be held each November.
2018: Additional street light installed at corner of Walden and Pasadena, in response to concerns about lack of lighting at school bus pickup.
2020: Renewed covenants through Sept 11 2050.
2021: Installation of new Deer Pointe sign on right side of Buck Lake Road entrance to the development. Details and Photos.