Pasadena Hills Homeowners Association
Traffic calming was installed in eight locations along Walden Road in June 2021.
This was at the request of
more than 75% of the
homeowners on Walden Rd.
In response to a homeowner letter, the county replied with an engineering drawing showing all eight traffic calming controls on Walden Rd. This was in addition to an explanation of how the project came to be. The letter and drawig is attached.
One of our residents, Will Grissom, drafted a letter to the county asking that the calming control at Lompoc and Walden be removed. This was based upon his research, that indicated that a letter of authorization was required from PHOA. Since that was not obtained or requested, we asked that the calming at Lompoc and Walden be removed. The county replied, reaffirming that the did indeed follow the process. Our request was denied. All letters are attached.